
Based on 80 opinions finded in 1 websites


Nº 655 in 721 in Canterbury

Nº 99 of 109 British in Canterbury

CUSTOMERS TALK ABOUT DISHES WITH..fishsandwichmustcoffeebaconcooked


Dirty cutlery which we had to clean ourselves with hot water from the coffee machine, cold food half of which was so cold and hard it was impossible to eat! No staff as had to wait 25 minutes for cold food, I'm very surprised it hasn't been closed down to be honest, in short (dirty, cold food, waist of money)!


Road47582294800 . 2024-02-13

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Honestly, I haven’t been here for nearly a year and it used to be absolutely fine. I can’t believe how filthy it is now. Floors were nearly black, all the trays and signs were covered in food. I have never eaten in such a disgusting establishment. Food was cold with rubbery eggs and mushrooms tasted really strange. Bacon was undercooked. I urge anyone who goes here to report to them to the council.


Ellis Holt . 2024-01-21

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Me and my 4 year old both got the runs after our food. Sadly she got it worse with a fever and vomitting. Won't be eating there again.


Jenny G . 2023-12-30

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Popped in for a quick sandwich whilst waiting for the Pharmacy to reopen after lunch. Ordered a toasted festive sandwich which was pretty pricey at £4.50. Sat waiting for about 15 minutes, staff weren't busy as it was past any lunchtime rush and they were standing around talking so I went up to ask where my sandwich was, the lady gasped and ran into the kitchen - clearly she had forgotten it! When she bought it to my table she said its a bit done is that ok. It was seriously overtoasted to the point of being charred and the filling had gone really sloppy. I refused the sandwich and got a refund and went and got a takeaway sandwich, crisps and drink instead for £3.50!


Sally M . 2023-12-13

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The trays were really dirty had to is a wet wipe to clean .. wet wipe was black not cleaned in a while Tried looking for a clean tray .. yuck. Worried about ordering food .. what must the kitchen be like


Lorraine L . 2023-12-03

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Had really hoped things may have improved having avoided the cafe for three plus years.......sadly not! Served by two women who looked so exhausted they'd stopped caring ( one of these poor women later served us on the till with our groceries) Waited ages for food that was either overcooked or cold, tables around us hadn't been cleared and coffee machine broken. Come on Morrisons either close the cafe down or sort it out!


Pismo19 . 2022-10-24

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I went in a couple of weeks ago for an early lunch while my car was being cleaned. I waited 30mins for my food. Realised people had been waiting over 45mins. So cancelled my order. Went in today. Waited 10mins to be served, while staff were chatting in the kitchen. To then me told. No food today. Don’t bother trying it! It’s awful.


Paul s s b . 2022-10-21

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We took our two young kids for breakfast this morning, having not been there for a couple of years. Before, it wasn’t anything special. But today was different. Exceptional customer service! The older gentleman that served us was very polite, gave attention to detail with our order, and was just generally very pleasant to talk to. The food was also much better than it has been in the past. Very impressed. I had to thank the nice man for the service. Made our morning! Will return.


LukeNukem6 . 2021-08-18

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I needed to get some shopping and decided to pop in to the cafe for somthing to eat as there where only a few other customers in there. To start off i waited 5 minutes at the till before deciding to look round the corner to see if i could see anyone. I found a members of staff on there phone at the back,who looked annoyed that i had interupted them. I ordeted fish and chips and a coffee. Both The coffee mechines where not working so i let the member of staff know who came to empty the coffee grounds, when she opend the door on it loads of little flies came flying out so i didnt end up drinking the coffe as that put me off. There where a lot of dirty tables that needed clearing and a few staff members but no one seemed to be doing it. The food took about 10 mins. The chips looked like they had been under a heat lamp for about 2 hours and where only sligtly warm. I asked a member of staff called Shena if i could speak to a manager she huffed in a very rude way and said "why". I told her my chips where cold and she said she was a manager. She snactced the plate from the table mumble somthing under her breath a walked back into the kitchin. 10 munuits later came back out slamed it on the table and walked off without saying a word. The chip where fresh but the fish was stone cold and had obviously just been sitting on the side while the chip where cooked. I wont be going back and it put me off doing my shopping there again.


Q3138MPjohnm . 2021-06-18

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Thay had run out of afternoon teas so we chose bangers and mash. It was not very nice tasting and had not been heated properly. Perhaps it was a new starter who did not know that you need twice the time if you are heating tewo meals in a microwave cooker at the same time. With hindsight we should have cmplained and got the food heated properly.We were in a bit of a hurry and did not want to make a fuss with the very friendly member of staff, sorry!


John H . 2020-10-29

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I popped in as a relative was at the hospital having a minor operation. I was left feeling bemused when upon ordering my big breakfast Giovanna advised me I couldn't swap my fried bread for toast. I regularly go to the Maidstone Cafe and they are always happy to make swaps. If I'd used the machine to order (which I couldn't as there was a board in front of it) I'd have been able to swap. Food wasn't great either.. Came out really quickly so must have been on a hot plate.


michellesN9638RY . 2020-09-04

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We went for an afternoon tea at Morrisons Cafe Canterbury and it was absolutely lovely. It was £10 for two people but reduced to £5 for two people with the meal out to help out offer that is extended by Morrisons. Lovely food, good service


Kim's Avon S . 2020-08-27

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Popped in for a quick breakfast whilst on the road after the Hospital - first time using this cafe, let alone eating in a Morrisons. Food was served in minutes which had clearly been hot held, cold and soggy. Grainy scrambled eggs, cold miserable bacon and soggy hash browns. For £6 you would expect this to be good value upon seeing the plate, but upon further inspection this of course isn't the case. Spoke to Giovanna and she solely saved the visit, very attentive and appologetic. Gave me my refund and was extremely professional. If everything were as good as her I would certainly be back, however unfortunately this will not be happening.


B6384JXbenp . 2020-02-11

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Waited waited Waited waited Waited waited the worst experience Of understaffing I have ever known. How can a major store manager let this situation happen. A prominent player in the retail sector. It’s just lucky they have competition. So we can go elsewhere.


Distaste . 2019-11-25

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Waited 45 minutes for a very average breakfast. We even saw people that got there after us get their food immediately. Won't be coming back.


ChrisFLambert . 2019-10-30

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Full English for £4.80 really just what I needed at the time and totally great 👍😀 Ordered at the till and brought to the table.


James C . 2019-09-29

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Went for breakfast with my partner around 12 o'clock, ordered quickly via the ordering screen, no problems with that. When seated I noticed that a lot of the tables needed clearing and looked messy due to this. I later realised that there was only one member of staff running the floor, hence why tables hadn't been cleared, self serve cutlery wasn't filled etc. The food was pretty good considering the price, the only complaint was that the bacon was hard, dry and tasted of cardboard, everything else on the plate was piping hot and tasted good!


Robyn C . 2019-06-19

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Waited over 30 mins for breakfast to be served, even though restaurant was virtually empty. They had no poached eggs ( how that happened i will never know as they could do fried or scrambled) Asked if i wanted brown or white bread for an "eggs benedict" . I explained that muffins are used, not bread. They had no muffins in the kitchen so had to get some from the store itself. Such a poor experience to say the very least. Eventually asked for a refund left.


S21G . 2019-04-29

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My hubby and I seldom do cookings at home. We frequent Canterbury's Morrisons Cafe as we find abundant choices of food there, very reasonably priced and affordable too even for pensioners like us. More so because their staff are friendly and helpful, in particular, server Giovanna is so customer-focused and kind that she always ensures everyone gets what he/she wants. Her friendly attitude and sincere smiles make customers feel so special and well taken care of. It is also amazing to find Giovanna working diligently everywhere in the dining area, clearing tables and doing all sorts of cleaning almost non-stop. An asset indeed to the cafe as well as to the customers.


979lilyh . 2019-03-01

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To be fair it’s a supermarket cafe, but even so getting a cup at the till when paying and then having to use a filthy looking self service machine to get your coffee isn’t appealing. After that experience I then had to hunt for a table that wasn’t smothered in used crockery or just filthy. It could be so much better, improving the cleaning standards would be a start, nobody wants to have to clear and clean a table before you can sit down. A word of warning, check under the table before you sit down as there was food derby all over the sticky floor under the tables. Yuk!


E7032HEpaulr . 2019-02-16

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Apareció cuando teníamos hambre, pero desearía no haberme molestado. Pidieron dos desayunos cocinados, se veían bien cuando llegaron, pero tan pronto como lo mordió, hacía frío. Las tostadas y las salchichas vegetarianas eran las cosas más calientes, pero todo lo demás era simplemente cálido y las papitas fritas habían sido fritas o habían estado sentadas allí durante mucho tiempo. La camarera se acercó para ver cómo estaba y le dijimos que hacía frío, así que se fue a reemplazar, lo cual solo tomó unos minutos. Cuando volvieron, no estaban mucho más calientes, parecía como si hubieran sido quemados en el microondas.No entiendo por qué esto no estaba preparado caliente y fresco, no estaba muy ocupado, solo unas 20 personas, pero la mayoría de ellas comía pastel y café.Otros cafés de Morrison son generalmente muy buenos. ¡No volveré aquí de nuevo!


madvic80 . 2019-01-27

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Llamamos para un bocadillo rápido y nos sorprendió gratamente.Cuando nos dijeron que había una espera de 20 a 25 minutos para la comida caliente, optamos por dos tostadas y una hamburguesa.Cinco minutos después nuestras comidas llegaron con un lado de papas fritas y ensalada.Teniendo en cuenta que esto tenía un precio de 4 para las tostadas y 5 para la hamburguesa, pensé que era una buena relación calidad-precio.La comida era aceptable y típica de este tipo de restaurante.Mucho mejor que los locales de comida rápida.


markcJ2880EC . 2019-01-15

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Clean and helpful staff, plenty of seating. Food pretty good for price, all in all a good spot for lunch or snack.


4779 . 2018-12-10

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A clean cheap cafe with plenty of space to sit and have a semi private conversation. Plenty free parking.


PHE22 . 2018-11-08

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Morrisons Café is always quite quiet so I don’t have to wait for long for my food - which is always of a good standard. There’s lots to choose from and the prices are very reasonable.


BenTeganLily . 2018-11-07

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De acuerdo, como su nombre lo indica es un café, pero eso no significa que los estándares de higiene, limpieza y profesionalismo tengan que ser más bajos. La mayoría del personal es profesional, educado y servicial, sin embargo, hay una pequeña porción de personal que es breve, ágil y se encuentra grosero. El nivel de limpieza debe ser aumentado. Soy consciente de que es un establecimiento de autoservicio, pero muchos clientes no devuelven sus bandejas, etc. . el personal debe estar atento a la tarea de retirar las bandejas, limpiar / limpiar las mesas y barrer los pisos para que el siguiente grupo de clientes esté satisfecho. .


amyjQ6127EZ . 2018-07-11

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Visitado para bebidas y pastel. Solo un par de tortas pobres, decidieron tener una Coca-Cola grande, sin copas grandes, y cuando fui a servirme no había Coca-Cola. La máquina solo sirve Sprite, Fanta, Coke Zero, etc., pero no Coca-Cola normal, qué estúpido. Se quejó con el cajero y le acusó, dijo que lo siento y me dio una botella de Coca-Cola. Había música a todo volumen, pero cuando una señora en otra mesa se quejó, fue rechazada a un nivel razonable. Este café solía ser bueno pero ahora pobre.


rollercolin . 2018-07-03

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Tuve algunas comidas aquí que no eran sobresalientes, y tampoco es barato, pero el lugar era muy cómodo, el servicio era bueno y tenía algo de trabajo que hacer antes de mis compras de gourmets. Como la habitación es grande y limpia, es un ambiente muy agradable en el que estar.


judithyo . 2018-05-18

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Said to waitress is this a little piece mould She said it’s lettuce Well no chance of getting new sandwich on my afternoon tea needless to say I didn’t eat the cream scone just in case


carollesleyclark . 2018-04-22

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Our meals all came out in a reasonable time and were very nice. Service was very good and the prices were reasonable too.


Melanie C . 2018-02-16

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We ate here at lunchtime today and not only was the service very slow but when the food did arrive it was tepid.


markcJ2880EC . 2018-02-08

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We took advantage of the Christmas dinner special which was 3 courses for £7.50. Bargain price!


Distaste . 2017-12-19

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The cafe staff are always lovely and I agree that cleanliness is an issue, but the staff on the morning of 12th December were excellent- extremely kind and helpful.


MissPStLucia . 2017-12-14

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Friendly staff but terrible everything else. All the tables dirty. Long queues, breakfast was ok but burger ordered was awful. Things weren’t clean, just overall shabby


Kate H . 2017-11-20

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Me and my partner decided we fancied something nice to eat not mcdonalds or anything like that....decided to give Morrisons a try....I had the chicken burger and chips she has the 1/4 pounder and chips...both supposed to come with onion rings....the food come out and what a let down....few chips dollop of coleslaw and a burger on a small plate....was a bit disappoint to look at it wasn't till we had finished the small meals we had we realised we had no onion rings....I went to refill my hot choccie as I wanted to get my monies worth....and asked about the onion rings to be told a supermarket has run out of would think a super market would have stock of onion alternatives were offered either....I really really do suggest going elsewhere for food if you don't want to still be hungry and disappointed.....


Legend R . 2017-11-10

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During busy hours the waiting for your food is waayyyy to long. When few people inside, it is allright. Been here several times now, each time for the Fish and Chips. The fish is really tasty, in a crunchy coating of batter. If the waiting time during busy hours was shorter, I would have given more stars.


Boudewijn S . 2017-10-30

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Visited today with husband and two small grandchildren. I ordered 2 children's dinners of sausage, peas, mashed potato and Yorkshire pudding. One adult sausage egg and Chips and an adult gammon, egg and chips. The meals were disgusting, cold and like rubber. The mash was lumpy and no gravy appeared. Then decided to do some shopping and again nothing I stock. Won't be going there again


Barbara463 . 2017-10-09

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First visit to cafe since it's revamp was hoping the kitchen staff had been revamped alas no.On this visit there was no queue I checked the seating area to see how many tables had a meal number up I'll explain I have learnt in the past if there is anything more than 10 meal numbers on tables don't bother you will be waiting an hour.


jroberthearn . 2017-08-09

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Caro, mala calidad, servicio desayunos tocino quemado, no podía cocinar huevos fritos o el día por alguna razón que no podría ser establecido. También intentaron hacer otro cliente extra para la mantequilla en tostadas durante el tiempo que estuve allí! ! Gris interior, deprimente, personal, no regresaré! !


Steve H . 2017-07-23

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Me detuve para un almuerzo rápido antes de una cita, con una hora. Pedimos una hamburguesa vegetal. Se sentó y alrededor de cinco minutos más tarde me dijeron que estaban fuera de hamburguesas vegetarianas. Sorprendente considerar están vinculadas a un supermercado. El miembro del personal no hizo sugerencia sobre lo que la resolución fue, i. e. Restitución, otro artículo, etc. . . . Dije, una hamburguesa de carne? Luego tardó 30 minutos en llegar a la hamburguesa y no era muy agradable. Tenía un bocado, unos chips y un bocado de repollo y se rindieron. Hasta el recibo enumera una serie de recomendaciones pero no encuesta o instrucción sobre cómo dejar el sitio web. Cuando en el sitio Web, no encuesta morrisons. Política quejas buscó. No hubo suerte, finalmente tuvimos que conformarnos con página de contacto y enviado un mensaje.


CatlondonUS . 2017-07-05

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Sólo tienes desayunamos allí el desayuno gratis y café, por ejemplo carne en ocasión tenía el pescado y patatas fritas.


tony p . 2017-06-12

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The café has a reasonable selection of food at a reasonable price but a bit slow in delivering the food. You pick up a tea pot (which is supposed to have a tea bag in it then fill with hot water from a machine) ours did not have a tea bag so had to chase the staff as nobody on the till at the time. Cold drinks, pick up a beaker & refills are free.


rollercolin . 2017-05-12

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This was my first trip to Morrison's café. My parents have visited fairly frequently over the years and have always enjoyed the 'small' fish & chips. My visit was on a Sunday and probably after the lunchtime rush. My first choice of Panini with Mozzarella & Red Pepper was not available so chose a Cheese & Bacon Toastie with Salad.(the salad came with a large portion of Coleslaw). The toastie was much larger than expected and very tasty, the salad was fresh and consisted of lettuce, tomato, cucumber, onion & red pepper. I had a coffee out of the machine but for me personally, this was not hot enough but this may have something to do with Health & Safety regulations!


carly5360 . 2017-05-08

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Although 'just' a supermarket cafe, the staff were pleasant and helpful. Tables were kept clear and clean. Unlimited hot and cold drinks adds to the value. We had cooked breakfast and when we asked for something not to be on the plate they offered a replacement item. The breakfasts arrived promptly and hot to the table.


GrahamSample . 2017-04-13

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A good place to have a quick snack and coffee . Good value . Would go back knowing it will be enjoyable .


lindaandted . 2017-04-05

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22/02/2017 17.26 visited 45 mins then give up waiting .. it took a further 15 mins to get a refund ! one hour waisted and never did see my dinner .. ! The manager on the receipt is Andy Fox ... He should be ashamed of him self being in charge ..


john a . 2017-02-22

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Started yo use the cafe in Morrison's as my father is normally at the hospital having chemo. Visits are usually between 12-3 I suppose you could say their busy time.I'm sure they are bay a lot but for ever running out of things and waiting time of 45 mins is unexceptable especially with no apologues.Not bad value for money most days.


Yvonne R . 2017-01-25

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Place clean tidy modern. The menu of basic English dishes there is a good selection. Ordering seems to take forever then you get to the seating area a large number of tables had not been cleared/cleaned ( and were not cleared/cleaned while we were there). Well we collected our drinks and ordered our food took ten minutes and then proceed to find a clean table and display our order number. Well twenty minutes later we had finished our drinks and were still waiting for our food. Must be noted it was not busy about 50% of the tables were vacant. After 30 minute wait the food arrived looked very nice but was not hot. We had things to do and could not afford another 30 minute wait so we did not complain we ate about 30% which was disappointing. Cold meal is not nice. I would suggest that Morrisons get someone in there who can run a kitchen because the people in there as polite as they are do not have a clue.


jroberthearn . 2017-01-04

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I visited with a colleague , our Christmas meal!! We both went for a breakfast. Service at the toll was good. There was plenty to choose from. We chose a seat . The table was clean. The breakfast was well cooked and of a decent size.


LOBSTER64 . 2016-12-23

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Needs a good manager to motivate staff. Most tables not cleared or cleaned. Poor show for you morrisons. Must work harder!


Brian H . 2016-11-04

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Looking for somewhere to grab a tasty and filling lunch doesn't necessarily take you to Morrison's, but that's where my son and I ended up last Saturday. Although a little limited for choice, there was something on offer for most tastes. Cooked to order, it is what it says on the menu - basic well-cooked food. The service was appropriate and polite. So, if you're on a shopping trip and feel a little peckish, you could do worse than popping in here.


Stephen P . 2016-10-25

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Come in today for a nice lunch at Morrisons ordered the jacket potato with beans and jacket is still rock hard and the are hardly any beans on the plate....not very good in afraid won't be returning here maybe should of gone elsewhere :( overall rating 2/10


Legend R . 2016-10-01

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Food edableService terrible Time ridiculous ... Morrisons. standards? Come on? I can't believe it Came in for a quick bite as working locallyTook 45mins to be served microwave food.


Nicholas G . 2016-09-21

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We go regularly to Morrison's cafe. The food is always good, though I have noticed the portion sizes are a bit hit and miss. Sometimes child meals are bigger than adults. Freshly cooked though and tasty. Good service.


Elaine_and_Adrian . 2016-09-13

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We used to eat in this café quite a lot, the staff were always friendly and nine times out of ten it was great.Then came the refit and the new trendy looking menu, the tables and chairs are nice along with the rest of the new décor but that is were it ends.There is never enough staff and the portions have taken a right dive. the staff that there are all ok, just not enough and that is not there fault.We stopped going after the refit, it just wasn't the ticket. we gave it a good try but it seemed to just get worse. We went one morning for breakfast, there was us and two other tables and we had to wait 20 mins or so.It's sad really it's not just the café the shop has gone in the same direction. what with the match more card, the expansion of the self checkout tills, there is just no service there any more and I feel an unfriendly atmosphere around the place. I think they are trying to be all things to all people and I'm not sure what they stand for any more.We used to spend £80 - 100 a week in Morrisons and the café. We now spend about £10- 15 a week. It did used to be really good all round.Sorry


auraspin . 2016-09-01

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I took my daughter here the other day after our shopping, just because I wasn't in the mood for cooking. Kids eat free with any adult meal after 3pm and you get a free refillable drink as an adult too. I spent £4.50 for us both to eat and drink. Absolute bargain!Only downsides were how long the queue was and the lack of staff to help reduce the queue/ clean tables etc. Also the meals were a bit bland and lacking in inspiration. My daughter had chicken nuggets, mash and peas- all were over cooked and looking a bit grey.


. 2016-08-04

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I came here with a group of friends of mine as we need to do our shop and we were all are still a little bit hungry so we decided to pop into the cafe for some food.We all had a breakfast which we really enjoyed it was piping hot and tasty and also had a cuppa tea which is what I needed.I would not normally eat in a supermarket cafe but I quite enjoy this visit.


emmie t . 2016-07-30

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Went at last minute for breakfast with my son. One flying start and a big breakfast later, very happy family :) limitless cup for hot and cold drinks too


Jack B . 2016-06-18

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Terrible service! Terrible food presentation! Overall a bad experience! Received money back in vouchers.


LDean91 . 2016-06-01

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This is a must for breakfast. Well priced. You can purchase a fixed breakfast or choice from the build your own. I always by the vegetarian breakfast. Vegan can build their own. They will do dry bread and dry fried mushrooms. Unlimited coffee from a Frankie machine, a morning must. They will supply soya on request for vegan and lactose intolerant. The staff have always been pleasant and helpful.


Mr F . 2016-04-20

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Great staff, good surroundings. Experience ruined by cheap and very nasty breakfast. It was cooked and presented well enough but the quality of the food was, quite frankly, disgusting. Far below the standard of similar supermarket cafe offerings and light years behind local privately run greasy spoon joints. Never again!


129Richard . 2016-03-27

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Food was under cooked and cold, service was very slow. Complained and got a refund as it was so bad.


Angela S . 2016-02-27

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Good food served there all day from breakfast to evening meals, since be updated, the tea and coffee machines have been moved and at the times when we have been there, only one of the two drinks machines have been working, by the time you have queued to get your drink the food on your tray is cold, I think they should look at this.


Janet F . 2016-01-07

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Discusting service , slow food and rotten when it arrived ! Never been anywhere so horrible before really really bad !!!!


xjoanne . 2015-12-04

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Rushed my children here for breakfast before school as we are moving house and accidentally cancelled milk order and run out of breakfast food. They don't serve anything properly till 8:00. I arrived at 7:20 to get offered next to nothing for us all. Very unimpressed and would not recommend breakfast here to anyone.


Michelle V . 2015-11-11

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I recently went into the Cafe for a hot chocolate however the machines were broken, unclean and had no fresh milk in it! The hot chocolate was absolutely disgusting and the staff simply told me to deal with it and drink it! Absolutely terrible service I don't know how it's still open! I do not recommend it!


abbieeexxox . 2015-10-10

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I occasionally eat at this cafe and while the food is reasonable and good value for money, the customer service is poor. They look so miserable and just dump the food on your table. Regularly our food order is wrong or they've forgotten extras and they rarely apologise. They rely on the same people to bring the food out as they do to clear the tables and this is a system that is obviously not working as there are often tables covered with rubbish or haven't been cleaned. Aside from those issues, we do enjoy our food here and children eat for free after school which saves parents some money. The fried breakfasts are good.


Vera R . 2015-10-08

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Great food at great prices, just 1.5miles from The Willows b&b. We had several meals there. They were ample, well cooked and the service couldn't have been better. With a main meal, the sweet/pudding cost only £1. Great value.


Howard W . 2015-08-27

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We recently ate a meal at this Cafe because we'd noticed that it had been refurbished and looked 100% better than it did before. However don't be fooled by appearances, although the decor is better, the food, service and cleanliness is still as bad as ever and I'm not surprised this place gets such bad reviews. The food takes a long time to arrive, which will give you plenty of time to notice the food and dirt on the floor and the tables left uncleaned for ages, the staff all look like they'd rather be somewhere else (mind you so do the customers!), and we weren't impressed when we asked for some forks to be put out only to be told "Use A Spoon Instead". There are plenty of other really good places to eat in Canterbury, I suggest you find an alternative.


George-Of-Asda . 2015-08-23

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We stopped here for lunch and although the queue was very slow moving it wasn't anything unusual, there was only one till and the lady was doing her best, our local one has a hot food order point as well so you all your food is ordered and being prepared while you are queueing, a good idea that could be implemented here perhaps? We all ate jacket potatoes and had a refillable drink, good value and good food, must mention the tables, nice farmhouse tables which make a nice change to the normal plastic ones.....


Gary534 . 2015-08-06

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Really awful ! Just took over 30 mins to get served - 20 mins to get food - food is cold and terrible - how can the managers of this store over look this ? People are complaining as I sit waiting !


Darren C . 2015-08-04

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Queue for ages, cups and mugs are sticky, cutlery and forks are dirty, waiting time for foods to be deliver takes forever (hold your number forever), tables not occupied are always full of empty plates and cups, a refund will be sorted by 3 staff including the manager!! Though foods are cheap, the service is not poor.. It's terrible! We will not come back!


Chester T . 2015-04-18

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Visit to Morrisons cafe for lunch today my wife and I would not visit again. We ordered lunch myself the liver and bacon with beans and potatoes every thing was cold except the liver just about warm, My wife ordered the pie chips and peas how does any one serve you cold chips and peas Morrisons did with a lukewarm pie!!. If we wanted a cold lunch we would have purchased sandwich^s which would have been cheaper, a couple on the next table ordered fish and chips the smell off the fish was not right suggest you have a talk with your kitchin staff and get things sorted a pleasant supermarket to shop in ashame about the cooking side of your business in the cafe


Lou01843 . 2015-02-17

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There only seems to be one menu as you walk in to the cafe, and it's not up high, so people crowd around it and you can't get to it to choose your meal. There are then two tills at opposite ends of the drinks and cold food 'pick up' meaning that it isn't clear which one you should order at. When you do come to order the staff are disorganised needing to walk between tills to process the order - why!? This is a very bad process.It turns out you are meant to order your food at the first till and then pay for drinks etc at the second. But these instructions are not displayed anywhere.You then have to wait up to half an hour for your food. How it takes that long to fry a few things I don't know.Won't be going back to morisons, it may be cheap but he service, organisation and general cleanliness (there is no one wiping tables, I had to do that myself) means I'd rather pay more elsewhere.


popey89 . 2015-02-15

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Came here today with my 3yr old and 6month old in her pram. We only had sandwiches no hot food. We stood and waited for ten minutes in the queue to pay. A nice young lad offered to take the tray for me as i was pushing the pram and he spilt my latte everywhere on the way to the table then dumped it down as if it had a lid on the cup. The turkey bacon and stuffing sandwich i had was dry and didnt have much flavour but my daughter didnt complain about her lunch. As said in a previous review you get what you pay for! Service with a smile would make it slightly better and just for staff to care a bit more!


hazz192 . 2014-12-02

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Really awful avoid at all cost ! Cold food long wait .... Staff always look like they wish they was someplace else! ... Ovid at all cost lol


john a . 2014-09-30

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Stopped off for petrol on way home from deal andDecide to pop In for breakfast. There was a longish queue and the till was set up to only serve one person at a time so that was annoying. There were three staff hanging around the til but only one working. After getting served we waited 40 minutes for our breakfast to be served and at least 4 after us were served before us. Cheap ingredients and burnt toast along with slow service.... Wish we had kept on driving!!


EnglishLad . 2014-08-23

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Stopped by after arriving early morning from Dover port.Had the full English breakfast and for 4.50 GBP found that great value. The service was also very warm and friendly


John G . 2014-04-20

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My wife and myself plus a friend had a late brunch in the restaurant at about 11-00am. We oredered the big breakfast at £4-50 pp plus toast and tea. The dining area was only half full and that made for a quick meal delivery and I have to say when it turned up (10mins) it was served hot and was indeed delicious. Well done Morrisons on a much better meal than the last time I visited. On this information I could recommend it.


Nick N . 2013-11-26

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We ordered the fish and chips special with peas and it arrived about 20mins later and it was just ok. Our table was not very clean and we sat in a very noisy environment with baby's crying and children running up and down while we were eating. Look folks, you get what you pay for at the end of the day and this was a meal of convenience at that particular time. If there are more than 8 people in the check out queue then you will have a half hour wait. I f we are in that store again then I will probably have some sort of refreshment depending on the seating area being not so full.


Nick N . 2013-08-23

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24 Opinions

location-iconMillstrood Road

A good freshly cooked breakfast here with toast and butter. Enjoyed this and was enough for me. I see their doing a bigger breakfast now, with double rations, which could be nice for those with a bigger appetite.


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location-icon30-33 High Street

My daughter and I were gifted afternoon tea as birthday presents, and what a treat it was. The service was prompt, and attentive, and the food was delicious. Finger sandwiches, mini pastries, assorted scones and a range of cakes was washed down with unlimited tea, all perfectly prepared. Brasserie ABode is in a super location, in the heart of Canterbury, and the whole experience was absolutely splendid.


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location-icon8/10 St. Dunstans Street

Fantastic cocktails and friendly service at this classy hotel bar!


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location-iconA291 Canterbury Rd

Our ‘on the road’ breakfast at the end of a relaxing week’s holiday based in Chislet. The BOGOF deal was a pleasant surprise and the breakfast passed the Quality Sausage Test. One or two items could have been hotter, but we went away happy and would definitely re-visit. Car park was three quarters full at 09:45, so it’s popular with the natives who were friendly!


574 Opinions

location-iconHerne Bay Road

Never again. Waited 50 minutes for starters and my son was so hungry he had his carvery first. Childs meal and burger took 55 minutes. The chef told me the roast beef was tough- actually unbeatable. There was so much food on the floor under our table that the table was full of flies one of which ended up in my drink. Only seemed to be one waiter who was barely coping. Looks terribly run down from outside so almost didn’t stop. Wish we hadnt