This place seemed ideal but with one inside table (occupied) and a bar with stools (occupied) at 12.15 p.m. we didn't get the opportunity to try the food.
This beautiful Greek Taverna is ideally situated in Chinatown by the Hippodrome.
The decor was tasteful, the food was lovely and the service was attentive.
We both had a lovely time and definitely plan on coming back again.
Τουαλέτες που μυριζαν δημόσια ουρητηρια, πάτωμα που κολλούσε από τα λάδια, πλαστικά λουλούδια, απαίσια μυρωδιά. Αυτά πριν έρθει το φαγητο...επειτα δεν υπάρχουν λόγια. Τα πιο πεταμένα λεφτά που πλήρωσα